Oodnadatta Track upgrade to improve access during floods

Works have begun on a flood-prone section of the Oodnadatta Track in South Australia’s far northwest to improve access after rain and help motorists avoid becoming stranded.

Five major floodways will be reconstructed along the  unsealed road between Marla and Oodnadatta, with each floodway reinforced with cement and sealed to make it easier for vehicles to drive on when the track is wet.

Formation works will also take place to raise the surface level of the track in targeted areas, creating table drains which allow water to run off the road, enabling the Oodnadatta Track to remain open or be reopened sooner after rainfall.

Concrete walls and mesh gabion baskets filled with stones will be constructed on both sides of the floodways to prevent floodwaters from eroding the track.

New signage will also be installed to give drivers more warning and longer preparation time, improving safety for road users.

The Oodnadatta Track is 600km of unsealed road between Marla and Marree and provides a vital freight link for local communities, pastoralists and tourists.

These works are occurring within the 207km section between Marla and Oodnadatta.

Construction of the upgraded floodways and formation works are expected to be completed by mid-2024.

The entire track will remain open during construction, with speed and lane restrictions in place throughout the affected 80km section.

The $10.6 million project is being funded by the Australian and South Australian governments with the Australian Government committing more than $8.7 million under the Roads to Recovery Program.

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