Enjoy an easier ride this festival season

As the state transforms into a global cultural hub with events like Adelaide Fringe, Adelaide Festival, WOMADelaide and East End Unleashed, Adelaide Metro will run extra bus and tram services until Saturday 22 March to provide safe and convenient travel.

Leave the car at home and zip into the East End onboard the O-Bahn, with 20 extra trips running each weekend, or make use of the free ADLOOP CBD tram service, which will run each Friday and Saturday night throughout the Fringe.

Stopping at key festival venues like Adelaide Botanic Garden and the Pioneer Women's Garden - home to Writers' Week from March 1-6 - the ADLOOP service will also be available on Sunday 9 March for the Adelaide Cup long weekend.

Temporary taxi ranks between Botanic and Rundle roads, and Rundle Rd and Grenfell St will operate until Sunday 23 March, making it easier for festivalgoers to get around.

Adelaide Metro also has music lovers covered, with a dedicated shuttle bus running during the four-day WOMADelaide festival.

The bus service (external site) (PDF) (external site) (PDF) will loop around the city and North Adelaide, transporting passengers to and from Botanic Park.

Passengers are encouraged to use their metroCARD, especially if transferring between services or travelling on concession fares. Tap and Pay tickets also offer a convenient alternative for infrequent travellers on a full adult fare.

Plan your trip with Adelaide Metro’s journey planner or check real-time schedules at www.adelaidemetro.com.au (external site) (external site).

Road closures and detours will be in place each weekend of the festival season. Keep up to date at www.trafficsa.gov.au (external site) (external site).

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